Stanislaw Kaminski Memorial Lectures 2021
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Rev. Prof. Javier Sánchez-Cañizares
A Singular Universe
Reflections from Physics for Philosophers of Nature
May 17-21, 202
Dear friends of wisdom,
We invite you to participate in this year’s annual Stanislaw Kaminski Memorial Lectures organized by the Department of Methodology of Science at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.
This year’s 20th edition entitled A Singular Universe. Reflections from Physics for Philosophers of Nature will be delivered by Rev. Prof. Javier Sánchez-Cañizares (Universidad de Navarra), due the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, via MS Teams and therefore shall be accessible from anywhere in the world. The course consists of lectures which will take place between May 17th-21th and an open, standalone, seminar which will take place on May 17th at 3 PM CET.
These lectures deal with the most relevant problems that emerge in our physical knowledge of reality and offer a renewed agenda of topics for philosophical and theological reflection on nature. While essays on biological evolution and the philosophical matters that arise from it are becoming abundant, the same does not seem to be the case with reflections prompted by contemporary Physics. However, should we wish to go deeper into the understanding of a nature created by a personal God, an inspection of the physical bases that make it possible becomes mandatory. They, in turn, challenge us with new questions that religious thinkers need to address.
I intend to articulate these lectures around the concept of singularity and how it can be applied analogously to the universe in general, the existence of complex systems, the emergence of mind, and our specific knowledge of nature from its most fundamental description. The lectures present the uniqueness of each problem in a comprehensible fashion, avoiding simplifications or inaccuracies that would displease readers with scientific expertise. They aim at an academic audience and the educated public who want to delve into the image of a world created by God from our scientific knowledge.
- Religion among Scientists in International Context: A New Study of Scientists in Eight Regions – Elaine Howard Ecklund, David R. Johnson, Christopher P. Scheitle, Kirstin R. W. Matthews, Steven W. Lewis. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.
- «Fighting against Religion in the Name of Science». Has the Battle been Won? – John Hedley Brooke
- Physics and theology – John Polkinghorne FRS. Europhysics News
- Articulating science and theology: presuppositions and implications of science – Mariano Artigas
- The Penultimate Curiosity
ATTENTION! Due to the circumstances we enable active participation to those who pre-register. Prior to the lectures you will receive the link to the webinar via e-mail along with additional information, particularly for students, who wish to receive credit (ECTS points) and/or a grade upon completing the course.
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