Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics and Philosophy. Call for Abstracts
What is the role of category theory (in brief CT) in physics, mathematics and philosophy? Is CT just a useful language of some parts of mathematics and theoretical physics or are categories new structures that are important for these fields? How can categories be used in modern physics? What is the role of CT in the philosophy of mathematics? Is CT a new foundation of mathematics or is it a kind of organization of mathematics? Is the arrow-ontology of CT a new kind of ontology?
The conference will address the questions mentioned above and issues that concern possible ways of applying CT in physics, mathematics and philosophy.
Submission Timetable
- Abstracts submission deadline: 15 October 2017
Registration opens: 1 October 2017 - Abstracts should be sent:
Program Committee
- Chair: Marek Kuś (Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences & ICFO, Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology)
- Michał Heller (Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies)
Zbigniew Król (International Center for Formal Ontology, Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology & - Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Wiesław Kubiś (Czech Academy of Sciences & Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw)
- Anna Romanowska (Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology)
- Jonathan D. H. Smith (Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University, USA)
- International Center for Formal Ontology, Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology
- Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
- Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Organizing Committee
- Chair: Bartłomiej Skowron (International Center for Formal Ontology, Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology)
- Jan Gutt (Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Tomasz Miller (Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology)
- Paweł Stacewicz (Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology)
- Michał Stelmach (Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology)
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