W imieniu organizatorów zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w otwartym Lubelsko-Toruńskim Logicznym Seminarium Badawczym. Pierwsze seminarium odbędzie się we wtorek 12 stycznia 2021 r. o godz. 11:30 online pod adresem:
https://vc.umk.pl/b/tom-zjd-edt (Toruń Logic Group)
Prelegentem będzie prof. Fengkui Ju (KUL / Beijing Normal University), który przedstawi rezultaty swoich badań prowadzonych z prof. Valentinem Goranką na temat „Formal language and semantics for temporal conditionals”. Wystąpienie będzie w języku angielskim, wcześniejsza rejestracja nie jest wymagana.
Tomasz Jarmużek (UMK) & Piotr Kulicki (KUL)
Fengkui Ju, Formal language and semantics for temporal conditionals
Abstract:Temporal conditionals are those which have temporal references and whose truth depends on their utterance time and temporal references. Arguably, most conditionals in daily life are temporal conditionals. In this talk we propose a formal language and semantics for temporal conditionals.
The formal language is the language of CTLP* plus a conditional operator. The temporal structures of the semantics are branching time trees. In the semantics, formulae are evaluated at possibilities, which consist of a timeline and an instant, relative to contexts, which are sets of prioritized default rules. One feature of the semantics is that if-clauses of conditionals change contexts. Two kinds of conditionals can be distinguished by the semantics: open and counterfactual ones.
In this talk, we focus more on the conceptual discussion.
This is joint work with Valentin Goranko from Stockholm University.
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