Wydział Filozofii i Kognitywistyka KUL zapraszają we czwartek, 7 czerwca 2018 r. na wykład gościnny Prof. Emiliano Lorini pt. In Praise of Belief Bases: Logics of Mental Attitudes without Possible Worlds. Wykład rozpocznie się godz. 10.30 w sali CTW-114.
In Praise of Belief Bases: Logics of Mental Attitudes without Possible Worlds
We introduce a new semantics for a logic of explicit and implicit beliefs based on the concept of multi-agent belief base. Differently from existing Kripke-style semantics for epistemic logic in which the notions of possible world and doxastic/epistemic alternative are primitive, in our semantics they are non-primitive but are defined from the concept of belief base. We provide a complete axiomatization and prove decidability for our logic via a finite model argument. We also provide a polynomial embedding of our logic into Fagin & Halpern’s logic of general awareness and establish a complexity result for our logic via the embedding. We argue that the proposed semantics can be exploitable in the context of logics of mental attitudes including logics of desires, logics of values and logics of intention as well as in the context deontic logic thereby providing a new foundation for the formal specification of autonomous agents and normative multi-agent systems.
Prof. Emiliano Lorini
Researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)
Research topics
His research is focused on the following topics in the fields of applied logic, artificial intelligence and game theory: logics of agency, logics for multi-agent systems, epistemic logic, logic of intention, logic of collective attitudes, interactive epistemology, social preferences (e.g., fairness, reciprocity), theory of team reasoning, theory of emotions, theory of trust and reputation, theory of institutions, formal ethics.
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