The editors of the philosophical journal Diametros are planning to publish a special issue devoted to the topic “Normative aspects of scientific research in the light of Polish regulations”.
The subject of the planned issue encompasses the normative – i.e. both ethical and legal – problems of research conducted in various branches of the sciences: biomedical, social, and humanities. Its main goal is to be a broad, interdisciplinary discussion on how these normative aspects – the fundamental obligations of researchers and the rights of research participants – are presented in the light of Polish regulations. This not only includes the narrow scope of legal acts, but also less formal documents such as guidelines or the statements of scientific societies or research institutions. The planned issue will welcome both report-based and analytical articles on quid facti issues (what rules of scientific research are actually formulated by the Polish regulations, or are at least implicitly included), as well as more critical texts relating to quid iuris issues (which rules should be included in them).
Whilst Diametros is primarily a bilingual journal, authors interested in participating in the planned issue – due to the specific nature of its subject matter – will be expected to write in Polish, and we can only exceptionally consider texts in English.
Proposals for the planned issue should be submitted by the end of June 2022, via our website (, and by selecting the section “the normative aspects of scientific research”. In accordance with the regulations and the status of our journal (currently one of the highest ranked Polish periodicals in the field of social sciences and humanities), all of the texts submitted will be subject to an appropriate review procedure, after which at least some of them will perhaps require corrections or supplementary work. However, thanks to the excellent cooperation of our authors, we hope this editorial process will be brief and that the proposed issue will be published in 2022.
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