The Vienna Circle and the Lvov-Warsaw School
Online Workshop in the History of Logic and Analytic Philosophy
February 12-13, 2022
Link to all sessions:
The Worksop presents two groups of early analytic philosophy: the Lvov-Warsaw School and the Vienna Circle as well as interactions between them. It is an event accompanying the exhibition „Vienna Circle. Exact Thinking in Demented Times”, prepared in Vienna and presented in Warsaw (University Library, Dobra Street 56/66) from January 28 to February 28, 2022. The Warsaw exhibition contains an appendix which presents the history of mutual relations between the members of the Vienna Circle and the representatives of the Lvov-Warsaw School.
The workshop is composed of two parts. In the lecture part, the papers about the Vienna Circle and the Lvov-Warsaw School will be presented by the mature scholars. In the seminar part, graduate and undergraduate students are welcomed to present and discussed their papers connected to the broadly understood traditions of the Vienna Circle and the Lvov-Warsaw School.
February 12, 2022
Session 1
- 10.0-10.45 Friedrich Stadler (University of Vienna), The Vienna Circle and the Lvov-Warsaw School -Two Kindred Philosophical Currents Between the Wars
- 10.45-11.30 Thomas Uebel (University of Manchester), The Empiricism of the Vienna Circle’s Logical Empiiicism
- 11.30-11.40 Break
- 11.40-12.25 Jan Woleński (University of Information, Technology, and Management, Rzeszów), The Lwow-Warsaw School and the Vienna Circle: Some Interactions
- 12.25-13.10 Roman Murawski (Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań), Ontology of Logic and Mathematics in the Lvov-Warsaw School
Session 2
- 14.0-14.45 Monika Gruber (University of Vienna), CarnapS Contribution to TarskiS Truth
- 14.45-15.30 Artur Kosecki (University of Szczecin), The „Translation” From the Material Mode of Speech into the Formal Mode of Speech: an Explication or a Paraphrase?
Session 3
- 16.30-17.15 Artur Koterski (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin), Did Ayer Bring Logical Positivism to England?
- 17.15-18.00 Paweł Polak (John Paul II Pontifical University in Cracow), Early Influence of Schlick and the Viennese on Lviv Philosophers in the Vienna Circle Formative Years
- 18.0-18.30 Olga Honcharenko & Anna Brożek Activities and Prospects of Kasimir Twardowski Philosophical Society in Lviv & The Lvov-Warsaw School Research Center (Warsaw).
February 13, 2022
Session 4 (Students)
- 10.0-10.30 Ewelina Grądzka (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow), The Lvov-Warsaw School and the Vienna Circle -Professional References Towards Philosophy Education
- 10.30-11.00 Dominik Marciniak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Tadeusz Czeżowski on Metaphysics
- 11.0-11.30 Joanna Frydrych (The John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin), Some NewResults Concerning Grzegorczyka Elementary Mereology
- 11.30-11.45 BREAK
- 11.45-12.15 Liudmyla Kovtun (Dnipro University of Technology), The Vienna Circle Ideas as a Basis for the Philosophy of Translation Methodology Formulation
- 12.15-12.45 Alicja Chybińska (University of Warsaw), On the Concept of Understanding in the Lvov-Warsaw School
- 12.45-13.00 Closing of the Workshop
The Workshop is an event accompanying the exhibition „The Vienna Circle. Exact Thinking in Demented Times. Appendix: The Vienna Circle and the Lvov-Warsaw School” which is displayed in Warsaw University Library (Dobra Street 56/66) till the end of February, 2022.
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