Ukazał się nowy numer Zagadnień Filozoficznych w Nauce 69 (2) (2020) pt. Is logic a physical variable? Zapraszamy do lektury.
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Od redakcji
- “Is logic a physical variable?” Introduction to the Special Issue | Michał Eckstein, Bartłomiej Skowron | 7-13 | PDF
- Mathematics as a love of wisdom: Saunders Mac Lane as philosopher | Colin McLarty | 17-32 | PDF
- Creating new concepts in mathematics: freedom and limitations. The case of Category Theory | Zbigniew Semadeni | 33-65 | PDF
- Abstract logical structuralism | Jean-Pierre Marquis | 67-110 | PDF
- On the validity of the definition of a complement-classifier | Mariusz Stopa | 111-128 | PDF
- No-signaling in topos formulation and a common ontological basis for classical and non-classical physical theories | Marek Kuś | 129-143 | PDF
- Quantum contextuality as a topological property, and the ontology of potentiality | Marek Woszczek | 145-189 | PDF
- Quantum geometry, logic and probability | Shahn Majid | 191-236 | PDF
- Information and physics | Radosław Kycia, Agnieszka Niemczynowicz | 237-252 | PDF
- The homunculus brain and categorical logic | Steve Awodey, Michał Heller | 253-280 | PDF
Book reviews
- Category Theory in the hands of physicists, mathematicians, and philosophers | Mariusz Stopa | 283-293 | PDF
- Contemporary Polish ontology. Where it is and where it is going | Roman Krzanowski | 294-298 | PDF
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